Do you have a travel experience you’d like to share or maybe some photography tips for those exploring the world?
If so then I want to hear from you!
Whether you want to become a contributor for Travel Instruction, want to comment on some current content or would like to know more about this blog, then do not be afraid to get in touch. To be able to submit a guest post, I do have some guidelines I would like you to follow to be able to put a guest post on my site.
- Guest posts that are submitted to Travel Instruction have to be 500 words or more.
- The guest posts you submit should be 100% true
- Facts presented should be true and all opinions must be your own
- Content should be relevant to the content that is on my site so anything to do with travel and exploring.
Examples of Guest Post Topics:
- Photography
- Destination Guides
- Airline Reviews
- Hotel Reviews
- Gap Year Guides
- Family Holiday Guides
- Blogging Advice
- Nightlife Guides
- Activity Guides
- Wild Animals
All comments and questions are welcome to please fill in the form below and I will aim to get back to you as soon as possible. Please bear in mind that I do work around the world so sometimes I will be without internet or in a different time zone so it may take me a little longer to reply so bear with me.
Anything technical I can help you with? Then please let me know! Things go wrong all the time and I do want to know. If you have a broken link that have noticed or a page that has stopped working, then let me know.
If you have anything else to talk about then I am always free to chat about anything that you would like. So if you want advice or tips from me personally then I can help you with almost anything.
I’ll look forward to hearing from you,